Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alex's First Note Home from School


  1. Oh yikes. I'm waiting for our note. We don't have the "red" system - we have the "clip" system...they have to move their clips if they are misbehaving. Thomas has moved his clip EVERY day this week. not good. For "conduct grades" 0-6 clip moves for 6 weeks is considered "excellent" behavior - guess we can count that out.

    I'm right there with you. And, I'm not sure what to do to help him! Home consequences aren't working - and I'm worried that I'm just double punishing.

    Okay, who's blog is this anyway!? Just letting you know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

  2. wow, they make them draw their mistakes? that's really interesting, and hopefully effective, right?

  3. That's interesting to see the format of your behaviour reports. I definintely know the format of our school's behaviour reports! In other words, like Lyn said, "You are not alone!"

  4. That is a great way to "make the report" We have a clip/color system too and Hannah came home with a yellow check the other day for being up out of her seat, not surprised, that's usually what I was in trouble for at that age (o:
