Tuesday, September 11, 2007


It's been 6 years. It seems like it was last year.

I was listening to Good Morning America in my living room about to leave for work, when I heard Diane Sawyer say, "Oh, My G**!" There were reports of a plane hitting a tower. The news team speculated about how something of the sort could happen.
When the second plane hit, Diane repeated, "Oh, My G**! Oh, My G**!". After a few impromptu replays, the news team confirmed it was not small aircraft that had hit the towers, but full sized airliners.
I called my boss and told him what had happened. He said to come on in. They had a TV going in the office.
A few minutes after I walk through the door, the Pentagon was hit and the towers fell. The whole office was silent as we gathered around the TV in the lobby.
Then came the reports of all planes being grounded and another plane going down in a field. When was it going to stop?!?!?

What can one say about September 11th 2001? I wish it had never happened. I am sorry for those who lost loved ones. I hate the hate it sparked. I love the love it grew.

Really, there really are no appropriate words.

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