Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1st Day of School...Continued

I picked Alex up from school yesterday, and the first thing he said was, "Moooommm, I want to ride the bus. Can I please ride the bus next time?"
What? I hated the bus when I was little! It was hot, super un-cool and slow.
I told him I would check on it. (AKA: No)
Because he is in a special school, they will only drop him at the closest school to our house...not at our house. I would still have to get into the car. I don't see him riding the bus. I know, I know, I am depriving him of an experience. He'll be OK.

I asked him a million questions on the way home:

How was your day? Good.
Was your teacher nice? Yea.
Did you make any friends? No...not yet.
Did you play outside? Yes.
Was it fun? Yes.
What did you eat for lunch? Hey, Mom, I get to go through the line and pay for it with my own card!
Cool, did you like that? Yea. I got strawberry milk.
Were there any bad parts? No.
What was your favorite part? Science! I was really good in Science! (He followed up with an explanation of how magnates work.) I got time out in the regular part of class.
For what? touching things.
Do you think you can do better tomorrow? Yea, if I am not bored again.

So typical, huh?


  1. I had to ask Thomas a million questions too! Boys! Is he at a vanguard school? ROE?

  2. Yep, ROE...we were really fortunate.
