Monday, April 23, 2007

Romney for President

I like this guy.
I trust him.
It seems, in 2008, we Americans have an opportunity to elect someone with both experience AND integrity. What a novelty?
Something about him makes me excited about the Democratic process.
Maybe it is because he really loves and honors his wife?
Maybe it's because his platforms make sense?
Maybe it is because he uses "Mitt" instead of "Romney?"
Maybe it is because he believes policy should benefit people, instead of the other way around?
Maybe it is because he’s LDS?
Maybe it’s because he doesn't always wear a tie?
Maybe it's because he not scared of change?
Maybe it is because of his track record as Governor and with the Olympics?
Or maybe, just maybe, I like him because he stands for what I believe America SHOULD be?
He inspires me to believe "we the people" can take responsibility for our future.
We'll see how the election progresses, but as of now, I am on Team Mitt.

1 comment:

  1. hooray! go mitt. my parents are pretty tight with him and are majorly involved in the campaign, so we talk about him A LOT>
    he'll be on the tonight show may 2, the night before the debate. be sure to tune in. he's way funny. :)
