Sunday, March 11, 2007

Grateful Sunday

I am grateful for our Church Leaders. Ward Conference today was inspiring. Our Layman Leaders are filled with so much love for each one of us.
I came away from church today with a whole laundry list of things I can do better, but what sticks with me is that we are all in this together. We, Leaders included, are all doing the best we can. We shouldn't feel guilty when we fall short. But we should, however, repent and strive to do better.

Things I can do better:

1) Honor the Sabbath more...plan ahead meals and stay home to spend quiet time with friends and family (little or no TV)
2) Have our family prayers be more reverent
3) Do my family history and Temple work
4) Do a better FHE
5) Contact the Bishop about my Temple Recommend
6) Write little notes to those Sisters I have been thinking about
7) Study the scriptures more diligently
8) Apologize for not supporting a friend in the way I should have
9) Find out how to get my Patriarchal Blessing


  1. oooo, your patriarchal blessing! THAT is going to be so cool. go for it! you need a recommend and interview with the bish. that's all!
