Monday, July 16, 2007

Why we had lunch outside today...

We had lunch outside on the front porch today...

because we saw this accross the street!

After lunch, the digger drove through the middle of the house, and we had to get a better look!

Alex couldn't stop saying, "THAT'S AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!!" and Randi kept signing for "more."
It was fun!


  1. COOL! What happened? Are they just remodeling???

  2. My boys would have loved that! Was it an abandoned house, or is someone is rebuilding?

  3. Wow! Great entertainment for the day!

  4. You should've called, we all could have enjoyed the demolition! I'm glad you're back. Tell us about your weekend!

  5. Isn't that the house I thought about renting?

  6. They are building a new house...that is happening all over my neighborhood. Wish I had $700,000 to do that with. They turn around and sell for about $1,500,000!!! That is what I call a profit.
    I don't know which one you were thinking about renting, Mindy. This one was not so great. I am glad it is gone.
    Julianne, as soon as my friends send me some pictures from this weekend...I will post about it. I didn't take one picture the whole weekend!!!

  7. What is it about boys and tractors? HAHA! My boys would have gone crazy over that too! I you guys had a great time with that one.

  8. Lucky! That would have been a HUGE hit in our home as well!
