Monday, July 23, 2007


I really liked our RS lesson this Sunday. It was about Hymns. I am not a very musical person, so at first, I didn't have much interest in the lesson.
The more the lesson developed, though, I thought back to my childhood. I loved waking up to my Dad singing hymns on Sunday mornings as he cooked pancakes in the kitchen. Yes, he was that loud...I heard "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" all the way across the house.
I also loved singing those special songs to my Mom as we were riding along in the car to do errands. I especially liked the one about sitting on a tack, Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children.
The most recent impact hymns have had on my life is when Don asked me to marry him. He is VERY musical and was singing, His Eye is on the Sparrow, while driving us back from a weekend of visiting friends in Dallas. I was resting on his lap.
His singing paused, and I looked up to see why. He had tears in his eyes, lots of tears. I asked what was wrong. He said, "I don't know." I insisted he pull over. Stopped on the side of the Interstate, Don says, "I think someone is telling me I need to marry you. I think it may be my Grandfather."
This wasn't the most decisive or romantic way to propose, so I ask, "Are you serious? Are you asking or thinking?"
He says, "I think I'm asking."
I say, "Are you sure?"
"Yea, I think I am."
"Are you sure?"
"Well, if you don't want me to be..."
"NO, I want you to be, but I don't want you to make a mistake. I want you to be sure."
"I am you want to marry me?"
"Guess we should get going?"
"Guess so...this isn't real safe. Are you OK to drive?"

Even if one isn't musical, like myself, hymns can play a very special part in one's life. I think I need to start playing my children's hymn CD's more around here. What a cozy feeling they create, and who doesn't want a cozier environment?

This is best rendition of "His Eye is on the Sparrow" I found...


  1. What a truly beautiful rendition it is, and I love your story about your proposal! How moving! Don sounds like a really wonderful man Jodie. And the thought of playing more children's hymns is a great idea; my kids love them as well and I don't do as much of it as I should either.

    This is exactly why I love your blog so much, it gives me GREAT ideas!

  2. I love your story! It is so sweet. That is such a great song.
