Coley Roley Poley Oley. You are like a firecracker waiting to burst! Every thing you do, you do with passion…for the good or bad.
You have the most endearing smile and the most contagious laugh. Your animated personality makes the day so bright. Everyone one you meet is a friend. You talk to everyone from the store clerks to the cartoons on TV. You just seem to want everyone to be happy, like you.
You are so compassionate. You can't stand for anyone to be sad, not even your stuffed animals. You are already standing up for your big brother, even to Daddy and me.
It is so much fun to listen to you and Brother playing together. You are a great caretaker. You tuck your toys in to sleep, you nurse them when they are sick and you even make sure every dinosaur has a Mommy or Daddy around to help them eat the other dinosaurs. (In a boy kind of way, that is really thoughtful.)
Your hugs are 3 minutes long every night. At first I just thought you were stalling before bedtime, but as I have noticed, you are really just that full of love. I don't want to ever break that long hug again!
You have the softest cheeks of anyone I have every should hope that changes otherwise I will be kissing them over and over even when you are in High School. Good luck with that!
I love you bunches and bunches,
"I am not a Lovebug. I'm Cole."
"Too big, too small, too big, too small."
"Mommy, you already have a job. You are my Mom."
"God is great, God is good, let us spank him for our food."
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