Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Current Tax System Sucks!

I really hate paying taxes to support things with which I fundamentally disagree. We paid $45,000 this year in taxes to support welfare, unemployment, and pork barrel. Even though we have 3 kids, gave over 1K to charity, have student loans, pay for childcare and use my home and car for work, we are still not allowed to take any tax deductions! Further, we have to pay an "alternative tax deduction." What the heck is that anyway!?!?!?
I think I should choose the charities I want to support. I can't stand the thought of people sitting around, having babies, not going to school, while collecting food stamps, WICK, welfare, and unemployment.
This system feels like it is set up to encourage people to NOT work hard. "Get your free money here!"
I will never vote for a Democrat, even Obama with his inspiring words, because they will raise taxes. I pay enough. I have worked hard, and I don't want to support those who haven't.
If it sounds like I am being pessimistic of our tax system. I am. I have only seen medicare and medicaid used correctly, nothing else. In every other "free money" program to which I have been exposed, I have seen abuses. I was even encouraged once to "Get WICK, why not? It's free."
It's not free!
Don't get me wrong, I think there are some people out there who are working very hard and just need a little help. Anyone earning under around $50K, I think, should not pay taxes, but, everyone else should pay the same percentage. It's only fair. As far a charity, I think people should give generously, but I don't think the Federal Government should mandate to whom we should give.
Our tax system sucks.
The End.


  1. Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say about the tax system? Just kidding - I hear you girl.

  2. I'm glad to know you've got your taxes done on time ;)

  3. Jodie I WHOLE HEARTEDLY agree with you. I have been on WIC, Medicaid and Food Stamps. Because we needed it. In 15 months when my husband finishes his residency in Anesthesiology and we're making six figures (oh how I pray!) We will be paying back into that system for the rest of our lives! Bluck.

    So if you work hard in this country and go into $ooodles of debt to get your education, it's your moral obligation to support those who care not to provide for themselves? Thats what the current systems says to me (in part).

    If I were running the show, I'd have a limit of years that people could be on those programs, and strict stipulations for continuing to stay on them if it is NECESSARY. Community service involved. SOMETHING!!! No fancy nails, latest hair do's and $300 blackberries, for crying out loud!

    But don't even get me started on those who live their lives waitin' for their "sittin' at home" checks. It's infuriating.

    It felt good to get that out.

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