Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Magic Flute

Last night we went the the Magic Flute Opera. Box seats were my birthday present. I have always wanted to do the whole opera experience like you see on TV. I also wanted to know if I liked opera or not.
Well, box seats were nice, but not really worth the price considering the only people who had tickets up there were, hum, older. We also had to dress the part. Everyone had on fur coats, a tux or a formal gown. Pretty, but very uncomfortable for a 3 hour stint in unpractical chairs. The upside is that box seats have great views, a "VIP" reception room, a guarded entrance (people left their furs just laying around), and flexibility as to when one may come and go. If you are late or have to pee, it is no big deal.
As far as liking opera, I LOVED it! It is like putting a symphony, a play, a choir, and a comedy club all on the same stage. Four forms of entertainment for the price of one! I am not sure I will be watching operas on PBS, but they sure are great in person.
Next time we visit the opera, we will most likely be on the floor in much more comfortable seats and attire. I'll probably glance up at the box seats and think, "I bet your pantyhose are itchy."
I can officially mark this one off my bucket list.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! I would love to go to the opera someday. That's one thing for my bucket list.
