Wednesday, July 16, 2008


A: Attached or Single: Attached
B: Best Friends: Don, Mom, Nicole & Julianne
C: Cake or Pie: Cake
D: Day: Sunday
E: Essential Item: Pony Tail Holder
F: Favorite Color: Red
G: Gummie bears or worms: Sour Worms
H: Hometown: Baton Rouge
I: Indulgences: Molten Chocolate Cake
J: January or July: January 12th is my B-day!
K: Kids: 3
L: Life is incomplete without: Prayer
M: Marriage Date: Feb. 13, 1999
N: Number of Siblings: 1
O: Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P: Phobias or fears: Losing a child
Q: Quote: "Do everything at least once."
R: Reason to Smile: Love
S: Season: cuddly weather & football.
T: Tag: Amy "Jordan"
U: Unknown Fact about me: I don't like breakfast food.
V: Very Favorite Store: Magpies
W: Worst Habit: I plead the 5th.
X: X-rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds
Y: Your Favorite Food: Mexican
Z: Zodiac Sign: Capricorn


  1. Magpies is great. I've only been there that one time, and am excited to go back for a second round.

  2. I bet you secretly eat cookies for breakfast.

