Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving in Blue Ridge, GA

Our little family.

My brother, Page, and his two boys, Andrew(L) and Daniel(R).

Our Cabin.

Mom, Pappa and Aunt "Crazy" Staci.

After our 5.7 mile mountain hike.
Don and I carried Cole and Randi almost the entire way.
Note: Don't try to take anyone under 5 hiking for more than a mile.
We bought Alex a Game Boy that night because he was such a great sport!

The boys use the hot tub as a swimming pool...what the heck, right?!?

The fire pit.
We spend every night gathered around it swapping stories and watching the lights.

This was such a fun trip. Thanks again, Mom and Pappa!


  1. Don't you just love cabins on the river? That sound puts me into the best sleep I ever get.

  2. That sounds like a fabulous trip!

  3. My family and I vacationed there a few years ago. I loved the cabins. I decided I never want to stay in a hotel room again when I can rent a cabin!
