Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2009 Swim Suits

Thank goodness for really cute one-pieces! Last year, I tried a tank top style...not so good. My boobs kept popping out and it looked like I had NO waist.
These darlings do not stretch much, holding in my waist to make it look even smaller. Oh, the best part, no surprise peep shows from this Mommy on the beach!

Houston Tea Party

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hair Cuts

These two decided to cut their own hair this morning. I knew the day would come. Thank goodness, they didn't do a very bad job. This is what they looked like after I cleaned up the carnage.

Cole really only cut off one curl, but I had warned him if he ever cut his hair, I would finish the job. I hated to do it, but it's almost summer, right? It will grow back.